Nixtamalized soy beans and corn 12 October 2014 Nixtamalized soy beans and corn
Nixtamalized corn is a method of releasing field corn nutrients to make a wholesome food which is a South American staple. It was decided to make a mixture of soy beans and corn to enhance the combination for a breakfast gruel. The soy beans were boiled for about 20 minutes then soaked in calcium hydroxide for 12 hours, rinsed until clear then pressure cooked for one hour.The corn was cooked for 20 minutes then soaked in a calcium hydroxide water solution for 12 hours then pressured cooked for 20 minutes.This process is called nixtamalization. With the corn it releases nutrients and removes the outer hard coating of the kernels.It removes the outer hull of the soy beans and what else is not known. The slurry, gruel is assumed to be highly nutritious, and is being considered as an experiment with me as the guinea pig, since I will ingest for about a month as a supplement to my normal breakfast. Typically the soy beans are not treated with calcium hydroxide.
Nixtamalized soy and corn.

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