Russian Blue Potatoes 14 September 2012 Russian Blue Potatoes

The remaining eleven Russian Blue potatoes were harvested. Twenty five pounds were obtained from 11 plants with an average weight of 2.3 pounds per plant. This is about average for this cultivar. The tuber is sort of brittle and the colour remains after cooking. It is one of my favourite baked potato types. Weights per plant are: 2.8, 1.8, 2.4, 2.0. 3.0, 2.8, 2.6,1.6, 2.0. 3.8, 1.12. The number after the decimal is ounces. 15 September 2012 Russian Blue Potatoes. Four plants added
Four plants were inadvertently missed and are added here. The total harvest from 15 plants was 34 pounds or 2.13 pounds per plant average. Weight of the four plants was 1.10, 1.14, 2.8, 3.8.The number after the decimal is ounces.

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