Juicing. Raw or Cooked

For years I did the raw route. Now I am convinced that cooked is better, plus the variety is probably more extensive. Now I am an advocate of cooked, since I believe the body utilizes it better.
My new method.
http://www.durgan.org/URL/?YLVDA 25 June 2012. Twelve Vegetable Juicing.The produce was prepared for processing utilizing the complete product, skin and all.It is propagated that most of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables is just under the skin, so I decided to utilize this bit of knowledge.Experience has indicated that cooked produce is more digestible than raw in general. My method is to cut all the produce into small chunks, minimum cooking, and make into a slurry using the hand blender. Sufficient water is added to obtain the appropriate desired viscosity. A total of nine litres of water was added.The slurry is then put through a strainer. The output of the strainer is put through a Champion Juicer to extract as much nutrient as possible, then mixed with the strainer output, and stored in litre jars. For long term storage at room temperature it is pressure canned for about 15 minutes at 15 PSI. There was a total of 15 litres and 14 were pressure canned and one was left in the refrigerator for current use. A litre of the juice is consumed daily. Pictures depict the process.

My old Method.
http://www.durgan.org/URL/?YTLUO 5 June 2011 Juice
Purchased fruit and vegetables were made into juice. Total cost $28.02 (less than a bottle of whiskey).There is no produce in my garden at this time of year, so store bought is the only choice, and all my juices prepared during the 2011 season have been depleted.
Juice is made utilizing fruit and vegetables that are available. Each product is blended with water then placed in a large container and mixed and blended a second time to make a the mixture homogenous. Sufficient water is added to make the mixture adequate for drinking. One or two glasses is consumed daily. Any fruit and vegetable is used, except for the pulpy types, which are eaten individually. The mixture stores without deterioration for about 8 days in sealed containers in the refrigerator.

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