Mulch 30 May 2013 Vegetable garden mulched with wood chips.
The vegetable garden was mulched with wood chips.The layer of chips is about three inches. When any new seeds are planted the mulch is scraped aside and creates no problem.The purpose of the mulch is to inhibit moisture evaporation due to a hot Sun. Secondary is weed suppression but not particularly effective. 23 May 2013 Mulch
Moving the mulch to the back yard. Initially the trees were heavily mulched. The remainder will be piled in the back yard. It started to rain so it was necessary to stop for today. 22 May 2013 Ten cubic yards of wood chip mulch
Ten cubic yards of year old wood chip mulch was delivered. Cost was $15.00 per yard and delivery charge of $35.00. It will be moved to a pile in the back yard and used as necessary.A cubic yard is approximately seven wheelbarrows. I mulch extensively, the complete vegetable garden and all trees, to inhibit moisture loss due to a hot Sun. Most of the mulch is completely composted in about a year.

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